Sepanta Zeighami
Postdoc at UC Berkeley
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I'm a Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California, Berkeley, advised by Aditya Parameswaran. Before that, I was a PhD student at USC's Infolab, advised by Prof. Cyrus Shahabi, from Aug/2019 to Feb/2024. Previously, I was advisded by Prof. Raymond Wong at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology during my master's degree from Sep/2017 to Aug/2019. I was a visiting scholar at Stanford's Hazy Research lab working with Prof. Chris RĂ© from May/2022 to Sep/2022 and at Harvard's DASlab working with Prof. Stratos Idreos from May/2019 to Aug/2019.

I'm broadly interested in data and AI systems. I work on building accurate, reliable, and efficient data-centric systems, with a penchant for theoretically understanding the use of machine learning in such systems.

Selected Publications